It has been raining for days here in Monroe. I was hoping to get out to Index on Sunday, since the forecast is for sun... but I was reminded it takes 3 days to dry out this time of year in Index. Damn! The weather (and interested parties) petered out for the Smith trip this weekend... but I wasn't giving up that easy. Vantage is going to be nice (10% chance of rain) and dry... and I'm dying to climb. Damien signed on to go with me and Mike (my brother), and Kyle called me and is coming to meet us from Spokane.
The last couple weeks hasn't seen much in the way of good weather. I have however been climbing hard in the climbing gym and seem to be making some decent progress. This week I did my first real V3 problem in 5 tries, then did another one in about 5 tries. I can tell that I have been climbing and training hard. I can't wait to continue what I have started building.
P.S. -- I was just reading my last post about training in the gym... that amount of climbing was killing me. My fingers were becoming injured and sore, it was just way too much for me. I've backed off to 1 day on, 1 day off climbing with Crossfit, 1 day on, 1 full rest day, repeat. This seems to be much more realistic right now for me.