After wasting two days of my week off (car issues and rain), I decided that even though I couldn't find someone to climb with I was going to head to Leavenworth to boulder and camp for a night. I was all packed up with my car camping essentials and Lilly by 8:00am and headed east on Highway 2. I arrived at Bridge Creek CG at about 10:15am and as luck would have it, I got a good spot there. I unloaded all the gear and set up camp. I was done quickly and off to climb.
I decided to hit up the Forest Land Boulders. I've been there before and figured since I didn't have a spotter, I would work on some easier problems. I did a bunch of V0/V1's I've done before and a couple new problems including Tahitian Moon and Moondog. I was working on Bad Moon Rising, a tough V2 slab, but decided against going too high, as the landing was slopy and I didn't feel like tumbling down the hill if I came off. I'll be back for that one with backups. The afternoon was progressing, so I decided to head back to camp for beers and a fire before dinner.
When I got back to camp, there were people setting up next to me. They were there for 5 days for a softball tournament, and turned out to be totally cool. They had a mountain of wood and a fully stocked bar with booze and beer... offering me all I could handle. Shots of whiskey and kamikazes wee flowing freely. We hung out by the fire... ate, drank and were merry. I stumbled back to my tent around 11:00pm. They were still going, but I couldn't take anymore.
I was up early and had slow cooked oats with brown sugar & banana for breakfast before I broke down my tent and packed up the car. I was out of camp and headed to Mad Meadows at about 8:00am. There I got on Woolly Mammoth V0, The Dish V1, Pruning Sheers V1 and worked on The Break V2. I will need a couple more pads and spotters before I send The Break. I can't wait to get there with some people and give it a better shot. It was approaching noon-time and I was ready to get back on the road and get home to pack for my upcoming weekend adventure, Mt. Rainier. Little did I know that we would change to our backup plan due to a marginal weather forecast. (Which ended up being wrong.)
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