I couldn't get a partner lined up for the weekend, so I decided to check out the Santee Boulders. I've known they were there for a while, but never got down there to check them out. My first impression of the area was good, and I had fun checking out the place for the first time.

As I hiked up the hill, I was looking for something on the map that would stick out so I could get my bearings and as it turned out, Moby Dick turned out to be the rock that you couldn't miss. From there I was able to locate the Amphitheater boulder and then Bullethole Wall. The Amphitheater boulder was crowded, so I started off on a crack on Bullethole wall.

It was easy, but fun and I ran a few laps on it to get warmed up. I did a few other lines on it as well, getting shut down on the line with the actual Bullethole. I'll be back to finish that one. I noticed another sweet crack on the Beehive rocks, so I picked up and moved to get on that. It turned out to be a bit harder that I imagined, so I'm still working on that route. I did a couple other fun lines on the Beehive while I was there.
Next I moved over to Lieback rock. There were 6 or 7 fun lines to be had on Lieback, ranging from .7 to .11+. I ended up doing 5 or so of the routes including the .11- lieback problem. It took a few tries, but eventually I was able to send it. I ran a few laps on some of the other lines and did a few variations.

The sun was getting low in the sky and the clouds were starting to gather, so I decided to pack it up and head out. My first time at Santee was fun and I enjoyed the bouldering, which usually isn't my thing. The moves were thin and powerful and the rock was solid albeit polished. Many rocks had great landing zones and there seemed to be plenty of rock for the number of climbers circulating the area. At only an hour away and good quality rock, I will be hitting this area up whenever I can't get a partner lined up.